Sustainability Course

The Old Canada Linseed Oil Mill

This presentation outlines the potential to incorporate a vertical farm in the City of Toronto by restoring the Old Canada Linseed Oil Mills.

This presentation outlines the potential to incorporate a vertical farm in the City of Toronto by restoring the Old Canada Linseed Oil Mills. We hope to bring food production closer to markets while improving food security within the city. It is a vital sustainability strategy suitable for urban areas, where there is a disconnect between food production and communities.

The implementation of the vertical farm is based on six consideration criteria: 

  1. Site location (Building Structure, Proximity, Transportation, Demand), 
  2. Crop selection (local and international), 
  3. Growing method and medium (high-tech controlled environment), 
  4. Funding & Partnership (Government, Enterprises, NGOs, Universities), 
  5. Community Engagement (volunteer program), 
  6. Supporting law and policy (Toronto Official Plan & Toronto Public Health’s Plan).


Our project encourages a sustainable urban environment and promotes a multitude of Sustainable Development Goals. It allows for food resiliency and mitigates hunger in urban cores, where minimal food production zones are present. It decreases air pollution and lowers CO2 emissions from reduced transportation. An urban farm also can create jobs and induce technological advancements. Other advantages include nutrition retention in food, improved water and energy efficiency, industry and infrastructure innovations, and the building of sustainable communities and climate action.  




Team Members

Adam Dhalla, Danielle Liao, Jayvis Wan