Sustainability Course

Investigating Sustainable Solutions for Gasoline-Powered Leaf Blowers (#GBLs)

An educational campaign aimed at bringing awareness on the adverse impacts that using a two-stroke gas leaf blower (GLB) has on the environment and broader society.

The purpose of this education campaign is to bring awareness to not only the City of Toronto, but also the public, on the adverse impacts that using a two-stroke gas leaf blower (GLB) has on the environment and broader society. It is our utmost hope that this educational resource provides motive to stop the use of GLBs, as well as provoke the public to hold municipal leaders accountable for banning year-round use of such a detrimental tool. To further investigate the adverse effects of GLBs, this campaign critically analyzes the effects of this tool through not only the three lenses of sustainability, but also the applicable critical infrastructures and SDGs, to make sustainable recommendations to mitigate the effects of GLBs.
