

March 02-03, 2025.
BIOPHILIA: Stuckeman School’s 2025 Research Symposium - Professor Nina-Marie Lister has been named the recipient of the 2024-25 John R. Bracken Fellowship, awarded by the Department of Landscape Architecture at Pennsylvania State University State. As part of this honor, Nina-Marie will deliver a keynote lecture at the Stuckeman School’s 2025 Research Symposium. This event will delve into the crucial role animals play in design and how their presence influences our environments. Read more


October 9-11, 2024.
The 15th annual Student Conference on Conservation Science - New York (SCCS - NY) - Calling all passionate conservationists! Whether you're into landscape design, planning, biology, social sciences, medicine, or beyond, this is YOUR chance to connect, learn, and make a difference at the 15th annual Student Conference on Conservation Science in New York City. Read more


Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
Fostering biodiversity is a strategy to increase urban resilience. Investigations of how municipal policy can further support biodiversity is central to our work here at the Ecological Design Lab. This talk discussed the policy reforms that have occurred across Ontario over the last three years to encourage the naturalization of private yards. Read more


Thursday, March 3, 2022.
Nina-Marie Lister delivers a Public Lecture in the Series "Design for Diversity” at the Syracuse University, School of Architecture. Read more


Friday, October 22, 2021.
Official award ceremony to celebrate ecological designer and EDL founder, Nina-Marie Lister’s extraordinary achievements in biodiversity and climate resilience. Read more
Friday, October 22, 2021.
Panel discussion with the 2021 Margolese Prize winner Nina-Marie and the 2021 Margolese Prize jury. Read more
Tuesday, April 20, 2021.
Thursday, March 4, 2021.
University of Guelph - Landscape Architecture Guest Lecture Series presents: Nina-Marie Lister, School of Urban and Regional Planning - Ryerson University / Ecological Design Lab Read more


March 5th – 6th, 2020.
Celebrating Delta Urbanism coming of age! Read more


June 20.
The Hotspot Cities Symposium (HCS) is a two-day symposium at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA co-host. Read more
September 22-26.
ICOET 2019 - Panel //Marta Brocki - In it for the Long-Haul: Education and Workforce Development for Wildlife Friendly Highways Read more
October 3.
OPPI 2019 Conference - Lightning Session // Alyssa Cerbu - Making Biophilic Connections: Creating a Green Space Network in Toronto Read more


September 28.
Nina-Marie will be speaking at the Biennial Symposium 2018 as part of the “Performative Nature” segment hosted at the Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. Read more
September 28.

Nina-Marie presenting on “Design for Resilience” at the International Biennial of Landscape Architecture, Barcelona.

September 13.
Co-sponsored by Centre for Advanced Study Nina-Marie Lister discussed the relationship between humans and the Great Lake Basin as part of the CAS/MillerComm Lecture Series hosted in Urbana, Illinois. Read more
April 30 - March 2.
A 3 day event at Antioch University, New England intending to collect the brightest minds in the East to collaborate on capacity building at a local scale. Read more
May 10-11.
Nina-Marie Lister from the Ecological Design Lab at Ryerson University and Rob Ament of the Western Transportation Institute at Montana State University, co-hosted a two-day CoLaboratory to explore options outside of conventional methods for bridge design. Read more
February 1-2.
This symposium hosted over 36 hours in Turin takes a interdisciplinary perspective on urban landscapes in several urban centres around the world. Read more


Apr 19.
Ecological Urbanism Exhibit. On display from April 17 to May 14 2017 the exhibit showcased designs for Ecological Urbanism, celebrating the intersection of culture, nature and infrastructure. Read more


April 21.

Resilience Beyond Rhetoric – Design for a New Sustainability. Anova Lecture for Landscape Architecture. Washington University, Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts (St. Louis, MO).

June 10.

Of Wilderness, Wild-ness and Wild ThingsThe New Landscape Declaration: A Summit on Landscape Architecture and the Future. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA).

Nov 12.

The Instrumental Commons: Agents and Operations of the Spatial. 2016 Woltz Symposium: Ecologies of Prosperity for the Living City. University of Virginia School of Architecture (Charlottesville, VA).


February 6.

Ecological Urbanism: Creative Planning for Living LightlyCAPS 2015 Imagination: Creative Visions for the Future of Planning. The Metropolitan Entertainment Centre, Grand Hall (Winnipeg, MB).

March 30.

Ecological Design: Resilience Beyond Rhetoric. Church Memorial Lecture Series. University of Tennessee Knoxville (Knoxville, TN).

May 21.

A History of Coupled Human & Natural Systems in Toronto. Second Wave of Modernism III: Leading with Landscape. University of Toronto, Victoria University (Toronto, ON).


March 5.

Design & Politics: Competing for Resilience. Rebuild By Design . Syracuse University, Fisher Center (New York, NY).

March 21.

Tools for Defining Strategic Linkages in EA Planning. TRCA: Environmental Partnerships Workshop on Road Ecology. Black Creek Pioneer Village. (Toronto, ON).

May 28-31.

Ecology, Resilience, and Legibility. EDRA45 New Orleans. The Environmental Design Research Association. Astor Crowne Plaza (New Orleans, LA).

October 2.

Planning Resilience. Green Building Festival – ResilienCity: The New Urban Paradigm. Daniels Spectrum (Toronto, ON).

October 20.

Projective Ecologies: Activating Resilience.  Projective Ecologies Lecture Series. University California Berkeley, College of Environmental Design (Berkeley, CA).

October 23.

Projective Ecologies Lecture & Panel. Projective Ecologies Lecture Series. University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA).

October 30.

Projective Ecologies Prosecco & Prose Book Party. The Cultural Landscape Foundation (Washington, DC).

November 5.

Projective Ecologies: Book Launch Lecture & Panel. Hemson Simpson Public Lecture Series. Ryerson University, School of Urban and Regional Planning (Toronto, ON).

November 17.

Projective Ecologies – Resilient DesignProjective Ecologies Lecture Series. Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, PA).

November 21.

Projective Ecologies – Education Session Projective Ecologies Lecture Series . American Society of Landscape 2014 (Denver, CO).


March 1.

Landscape as Infrastructure: Towards an Ecological Urbanism.  College of Environment + Design Lecture Series. University of Georgia, College of Environment and Design (Athens, GA).

March 28.

MATTERRyerson DAS Lecture Series. Ryerson University, ARC Architecture Building (Toronto, ON).

June 20.

Green Heart, Blue Infrastructure: Towards an Ecological Urbanism for Toronto Urban Ecologies Conference . OCAD University (Toronto, ON).

September 13.

Landscape Architecture Roundtable Ecology for Land and City: Exploring the Confluences of Landscape, Road, and Urban Ecology. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (Cambridge, MA).

November 15-16.

Airfield Ecologies: New Hybrid Landscapes.  Airport Landscape: Urban Ecologies in the Aerial Age. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (Cambridge, MA).


April 2.

Waterfronts and the Ecology of PlaceWater Ethics: Ethics at Ryerson Speaker Series 2012. Ryerson University, The Arts & Letters Club (Toronto, ON).

September 16.

Ecological UrbanismMaking Waves: Canadian Society of Landscape Architects Annual Congress. Fort Garry Hotel and Conference Centre (Winnipeg, Man).

October 10.

To Build or Not to Build a Road…How Do We Honour the LandscapeStudent Conference on Conservation Science. American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY).


February 8.

(RE)Claiming Ground: Ecology, Landscape & UrbanismWomen in Scientific & Environmental Professions. State University of New York, College of Environmental Science & Forestry (Syracuse, NY).

May 18.

Community-Based Mapping Tools. The Power of Mapping: Centre for City Ecology. Urbanspace Gallery (Toronto, ON).

June 23.

Ecological Urbanism in the Contemporary Metropolitan Landscape. EURA Conference. Copenhagen University (Copenhagen, DK).


April 3-4.

Activating Resilience: Ecology Beyond the MetaphorCritical Ecologies Colloquium: On the Biological, Horticultural, and Anthropological Antecedents to Design. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (Cambridge, MA).

May 13.

Adaptive Infrastructure: Network Strategies for Urban EcologyDesigning Wildlife Habitats, Garden & Landscape Studies Symposium. (Washington, DC).

December 9.

Water Ecologies.  Invited Public Lecture Series. University of Leuven, School of Architecture & Design (Leuven, BE).


April 3-5.

Insurgent Ecologies. Ecological Urbanism: Alternative & Sustainable Cities of the Future. Harvard University, Graduate School of Design (Cambridge, MA).

October 14.

Is Landscape Ecology?Down the Garden Path: Fall 2009 Lecture Series. Princeton University, School of Architecture (Princeton, NJ).

November 6.

Water/FrontHYDROCity: A Symposium on Hydrology and Urbanism. University of Toronto, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape and Design (Toronto, ON).


October 3-6.

Ecology as Infrastructure: A New Urbanism. American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference 2008. (Philadelphia, PA).


November 1-3.

(RE)Mediating Resilience: Adaptive Design for New Orleans. CounterMEASURES Symposium. University of Texas (Austin, TX).